:: The Muse of Chaos ::.. Ms. Evelynn Kingsley

Inquiring minds you say? Well, here's your sneak peek of the everyday Second Life of Ms. Evelynn Kingsley, business woman extraordinaire. Everything from building for Ethereal Chaos to the latest news regarding Apocalyptic Chaos. Perhaps I'll even throw in a few of the many random thoughts I have on life, love, and the misadventures that make up my Second Life just for kicks. This, is me...

Welcome to my World of Chaos.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Gotta Love It..

Busy, busy, busy day today. It's amazing how fast time can fly when you're consumed with happenings, but if you're determined (and ignore your IMs) you can get things done! First thing was first... I had been trying to complete a project for a while now, but with moving from about four different SIMS, setting up, taking down, and setting up again, it has been a little difficult to achieve. I was on a mission, so today, with ignoring any distractions that may have come, I set myself to work.

Piecing everything together for the 'Slice of Hell' outfit has been a longtime coming. I had completed the first of the two, 'Slice of Heaven', quite a while back and had long awaited a moment to myself to complete this entire project. Time to myself doesn't come very easily as you can see in the picture above how I'm bombarded with messages constantly... So please note, if I don't get back to you asap, this would be the reason why. 

As shitty as my computer is, I think I work well with the utensils I have. ((*Sighs* I wish I had a Mac, you have no idea...Its all about the HD.)) Alas, this is not the case. But working with a computer that has the same type of low graphics many others experience, I consider a good thing. Always a bright side, right? To all of you out there who aspire to build and texture, trust me when I say, it can be done with limited capabilities as you can see below. I completed texturing my build.

Building a structure is the basic of the basic. Basic shapes, basic geometry, what have you. Its simple. Anyone can figure out how to link things and make something out of nothing. Imagination helps, but I figure most of the people in SL have to have some sort of imagination to even be here in the first place. 

In regards to textures on the other hand, this is what can make or break a project as you begin to give your creations life. The more realistic the texture, the better. Constantly ask yourself, "Does this look real?," "Would I buy this if I had seen it in a shop?," "Why does it look appealing?". This to me is an art form. You all know that you have purchased things in SL that are just not as good as others, and why? *Smiles* Now you know the answer. 

Fortunately for me, I've had some college and learned the majority of what I need to know. So, I bring what I have learned into Second Life and combine two things together that I absolutely love. The creation process and gaming. Pretty cool stuff...

At any rate, without further ado. Here is a sneak peek at a few of the up and coming products conjured by yours truly, only available at E+HeR3@L (hA0s.

Each outfit will include silk drape, silk skirt, panties, Fallen (Hell) or Seraphim (Heaven) boots, 
and scripted sword. Right now it's in debate if I'm going to script the sword for combat systems such as, CCS or DCS. Also, I'm toying around with a tattoo layer for the eyes. Comments? By all means, let me know what you think!

"But EVEY! Do you know what day it is?!!?!"

Yeah, yeah. I know, I know. It's Valentine's Day. Happy Venereal Disease Day... Lawl. I don't really celebrate much of anything anymore. Things have somewhat lost their magic, and I suppose on a day like today, one would actually have to have SOMEONE to celebrate it with. Ah well...I'm not going to buy into some corporate card holiday and gift things that I do on a daily basis... That being Love. I love all the people that are in my life... I even love some that are not. So poop on all that!

Anywho~! After I was done building, my good friend Lady X and I (who are both single), were standing around bitching about others doing things on this "special" day. Very anti-hearts and flowers we began, stating how we would love to beat cupid's ass if we seen that little fucker... By the way, you do know that all the women who are the so-called "bitches" and exhibit cynical tendencies is because men have constantly fucked them over, right? Yeah... It's true. Every good woman, has been fucked over by a man. Not saying that it doesn't happen to good men, because it does. But women are emotional... It's only natural that they are more... intense.

While trying to figure out what to do this evening, I received a "group notice" of a burlesque show for V-Day. I thought, what the hell, and asked Xtain to be my date for the evening. Before the event we hopped over to a shop that was doing some sort of freebie giveaway that my brother, Aden, had TPed us to... And there was Morph. Not gonna lie... But I've been noticing some sparks between X and Morph... So I blatantly asked if X had asked Morph to come with us this evening. She did... And he came. When we arrived I sat by myself to give them some... "ALONE TIME." I'm terrible, I know. If X for one second thought I was cupid, she sucker punch me in the tit. (Lawls!)

The show was wonderful and the ladies, as per usual at Ellie's Burlesque Club, satisfied the eyes. I simply love how they present their venue. Each act, a little story while the dancer titillates you with stripping down to next to nothing. If you are looking for something out of the ordinary, visit them in world. You won't regret it.

Yet again, time flies... My day nearing an end and here we are... The wee hours of the morn' for me in EST land and silence overwhelms as everyone goes their separate ways... Just me, soft music, and my own thoughts...

The "special day" is officially over now... Everyone stuffed full of chocolates, falling asleep to the scent of roses tickling their nostrils... Perhaps a teddy bear to cuddle up with at night from a loved one. 

And me, alone. 
It's better off that I confuse myself and how things are supposed to be this way rather than try 
and persuade someone else to see things the way I do.

I'm always wrong when playing the card, the two of hearts.
Alone, I can bluff.

Still, I can't help but wonder... 
What it would be like, to be embraced by the Moon.
To touch his face and smile as I tell him...
 He looks like cheese...
And I like it.

"In regards to Love, I don't think Love is a weakness...
Love is the strength one endures in whatever may come." 
-Evelynn Kingsley

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