Hello again, kiddies!
Welcome to another installment of my rants and raves.
This post is going to introduce the concept that drives the whole visual aspect of what one would see at Goddess Isle.
So much thought went into this whole process and I am
so very pleased to unveil a sneak peek to the up and coming.
Here, I will share with all of you the explanations of
hard work and dedication that went into this entire project.
Introductions and picture time...
I proudly present to you, the fruits of PandoraPithos and my hard labor...
E+HeR3@L (hA0s::.. Setting Up Shop
The name for the store eventually became the drive for the entire sim,
reflecting upon the natural balance of Life itself.
Life can be both beautiful and hectic.
Calming and fast paced...
Ethereal, as to reference heavenly.
Chaos, as to reference disorder.
How better put could Life be described than this?
Trials, tribulations, judgement...
These are but some of the elements
that make up the human experience.
And as I have said before,
the very key which drives me to create on an artistic level...
Is Him...
Is Her...
Is You...
Is Me.
With every creation made and keeping this in mind,
there is something for everyone, guaranteed.
The items sold in the shop offer a wonderful balance of all these aspects.
You will find beauty in skins, shapes, clothing, jewelry, furniture and many of the finer points of presenting
"The Self Image", as this is how humanity has been conditioned.
This is not only a store,
but a place for one and all as Goddess Isle plays on
both the light and dark aspects of the so called "natural balance".
If you are looking for a place to relax,
you'll surely find it.
Goddess Isle, an entire sim dedicated to YOU to explore.
The aesthetics of everything one would see
cater to sensory pleasures indefinitely.
There are several rowboat rezzers all around the sim where all one
would have to do is touch the rezzer and hop in.
Away you go as you have the ability to tour the winding rivers of Goddess Isle.
But, you don't have to float it alone...
Grab a friend or a loved one, because these boats were made for two.
Float along lazily or challenge a friend to a race around the sim.
And be sure to check out the stops along the way as there are many
hidden adventures to be had with every turn.
Gorgeous views and with keeping the photographer in mind,
there are plenty of photo-opportunistic moments to capture.
Can you see yourself here?
Or perhaps here?
Regardless if you are a novice or professional,
every nook will inspire a moment.
And those of you who happen to love the water like I do,
I'm a Pisces after all (*smiles*), you have not been overlooked.
To our fine finned friends...
Our banks are deep enough to swim about the entire channel...
Land dwellers, watch your step!
Need a "Mer-Break"?
A secret hiding spot away from the rest of the world?
See if you can seek out the mermaid cove hidden underwater where you can
relax and play with the sea creatures found lurking in the depths below.
And when you're done,
don't forget to come up for a bit of fresh air...
There are many friendly land dwellers waiting to greet you.
Land dwellers?
You like the thought of fishing but not actually being one, lawl...
Well there's something for you as well.
You can grab a fishing pole and fish anywhere on the entire sim.
Grab a boat...
Pull up some grass...
Bring the family!
You'll see mine fishing frequently!
E.C. will hold 7Seas fishing contests on a regular.
You can also purchase your very own rods and bait as shown above...
I found my spot.
To reiterate, definitely something for everyone.
You will see a theme on the ground level somewhat resembling
a Greco-Roman setting.
Story time...
The one who had unleashed the chaos unto the world...
The ground level represents the beginning of time.
And throughout the span of time,
chaos has always remained.
We enter The Age of Apocalypse.
Set in the near future, chaos has taken it's toll...
The age of zombies is upon us and
the fight for survival is imperative.
A meeting ground for the last of the human race is club Apocalyptic Chaos.
A surreal setting and the utilization of imagination considering, "what if"...
This is definitely one of my favorite locations on the land.
Reminiscent of the my old combat days,
this is the portrayal of a world of could be.
The club will offer multi-genre tunes ranging from alternative, classic rock, and house.
We house dancing, relaxing, plenty of interactive video games, and even greedy!
The concept, heavily zombie related...
Not for the faint of heart...
Needing more details?
With the grand opening of the sim/club comes special event announcements.
I assure you, you will NOT be disappointed.
Official Grand Opening of the sim is May 15th.
Are you ready?
Welcome to the world of CHAOS,
my friends.
Until next time.
Side Notes::..
I would like to send a special thanks out to the following people who aided in photography::..
Aden Avedon
Zidor Pattle
Bryan Torkelsonn
and of course...
My Little Panda...
Without all of you,
I would not be me.
One more thing...
If you happen to see this guy hanging around the land...
Ask him for a ride/tour.
Two at a time please, lawl.
Take care muh peeps and much Love!!
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